Sunday, September 27, 2009

Reflecting on a New Year

Having celebrated Jewish New Year last week, and on the eve of the holiest day in the Jewish calendar, Yom Kippur, I have been relfecting on the last twelve months in my life in the context of my condition. I read somewhere, that someone was asked: "how did your Jewish New Year go?", and he replied: "I'll tell you at the end of the year". We hope and pray for a good year, and that we be inscribed and sealed in the "good book", however the only test of this is time.

On that basis, my Jewish New Year of 2008 didn't go particularly well. Twelve months ago, I could not have imagined myself at this point. My life at present is burdened with uncertainty about the future, regarding my medical condition and several other major issues. The emotions are sitting at the surface just about to burst forth in uncontrollable tears (and they do, every now and then). They need an outlet, and this is a great time of year for that. Hopefully I can look back in another twelve months at a more positive year on all fronts!

I've started planning my trip to the Mayo in November. The doctor has recommended that I stay off the IVIg juice so he can see me without its influence. That means I will be without it for about eight weeks instead of the usual four. The thought of that doesn't make me feel very excited. On the other hand, I want this process to uncover some new insights, so I have to give it every chance of that.