Sunday, March 29, 2009


It seems that with all the extra tests I was having, I took my eye off the main game, and overshot the timing for my second treatment. With my 20:20 hindsight glasses, I probably should've done it several weeks ago. In the meantime, my hand strength has deteriorated quite rapidly in the last two weeks, and is now quite severe. Part of the delay was me not wanting to accept the notion of needing regular treatment; I have to deal with that.

The neurologists say that pain is not something that is associated with MMN. Of course, by this they mean that a nerve conduction block will not cause pain. They may be right about this. However, many people with the condition do experience pain, and I think the reason is quite simple. If your hand does not have strength to support movement in certain directions, and you actually do move it or pur pressure in those areas, then the hand collapses. The radial nerve doesn't seem to be that important when it comes to hand movement - I would think gripping (which is the median nerve) was a far more common action that needed support of motor nerves. But surprise, surprise, there are many movements where my hand and wrist collapse in pain - pulling off a t-shirt, turning a steering wheel, shaking hands, ...

Every time I see my neurologist, or discuss it with my pilates instructor (who is also a physiotherapist), I learn so much about the nervous system and biomechanics. While I'm a person who thirsts for knowledge, and people are impressed when I can explain this stuff to them in simple terms, in the back of my mind, I'm thinking "do I really need to know this?"

Anyway, I've started the premedication before the next treatment tomorrow. Hopefully, I will not experience the side effects of last time. This course is just three days, so that might also reduce the chance of side effects. I really need it to work - having my hand like this just isn't doing it for me.

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