Tuesday, July 14, 2009

next steps

Well, it's been business as usual with the IVIg treatments, and the side effects are more manageable now that I take it easy for a few days each time. Will put up a graph of the results so far in a future post.

However, there is a new development. On a recent overseas trip, I consulted a world expert in diagnosis and specialist referrals. He is not a doctor; rather someone who is renowned for referring people to the right specialist for their specific condition or symptoms. After reviewing my case, he suggested I get in touch with Dr Dyck from the Mayo Clinic, and spoke highly of their diagnostic methodology. This made me wonder if his view was that my diagnosis was incorrect.

Then, I consulted with a spiritual healer. Her advice was that my illness is a lot worse than what we think, and that I should see a doctor in the USA for treatment. Between that and a few other uncanny comments about other matters, I am now very spooked. I'm not an overly superstitous person, however I feel strongly that there are people in the world who have vision/insights to see things that others don't. So my next step is to get in touch with the Mayo and organize something.


  1. I'm a college age male patient with a relatively similar situation diagnoesd with MMN in the last year and am curious as to what you're considering as alternative diagnoses. SMA Type 3 or 4, Kennedy's Disease, MS, ALS, or the more remote explanations of Celiac or Lyme? I'm pretty settled on my diagnosis but it's always in the back of my mind that it might be somethinig else.

  2. I have GM1 antibodies, so that certainly points to MMN. There's nothing else in particular that I think it might be - probably more a case of that nagging feeling that there's more to it. The fact that the juice doesn't appear to be working so well probably also supports that.

    At the moment, I'm happy to just put that out of my mind (when I can) and sit back and wait for the Mayo dudes to do their thing.

  3. I'll be honest... I have a much higher dose than you do and I still have relapses. Don't doubt your diagnosis, but doubt the strength of your current treatment protocal and make sure you let your doctor know your current treatment isn't putting the disease into remission.
