I've been tracking my hand strength for the last few months, using a "rig" consisting of a paper cup with some string attached, and a series of scientific weights. A couple of times a week, I measure how much weight each of my fingers can hold up. As you can see from the pretty picture, there are spikes, and these roughly coincide with the IVIg treatments - they seem to have their maximum effect around a week after each treatment.
The legend is a little small - the blue line at the bottom is my right index finger. There are a few interesting things going on here. Firstly, despite the treatment, the best it gets is for my right finger to have not much more than 20% (compared to the left, and the other fingers). I have found this quite disappointing. The spikes are also quite modest. Finally, the pinkie (black) is one of the stronger fingers, and this is uncommon in MMN.
So given that we are reasonably on top of the side effects, my neuro has decided to up the juice. We had been doing 0.78 g/Kg over two days as a maintenance dose, which is already at the high end. The next dose (over the next two days) will be 1.06 g/Kg - an increase of 36% or an extra hour and twenty minutes connected to the juice machine (can you tell I'm a numbers guy?).
I really shouldn't have written about this - all it's done is make me think about how long the treatment is and what I will do. Lately, I've been relaxing more during the infusions - nodding off for a nap here and there because of the phenergan. All of that certainly seems to have helped minimize the side effects. Will have to line up some extra videos to watch or maybe a book (although reading one-handed while lying in a bed is a little difficult).
And in other news, Mayo have responded in the affirmative, and I'm booked in for November. More about that in another post.
Best thing for me (and I have 5 hour long infusions) has been a dose of Benadryl in the pre-meds. It not only supresses your chance of an acute reaction, but also knocks you out which means you get to sleep through the infusions! I actually look forward to the 5 hour infusions every two weeks because it's a great source of sleep.