Well, so far, this latest experiment with my medication hasn't been a roaring success. On the first day, the neck soreness was quite severe, accompanied by a sensitivity to light, and that general awfulness feeling (my wife says "you look green"). Fortunately, not much in the way of a headache. On the second day, it wasn't quite as bad. I had the weekend to rest and take it easy, although this morning I woke up with an awful headache. This was probably because of the howling winds that didn't allow me to get the decent night's sleep that I need.
It's quite evident that the juice and I just don't get on well. What I can't stand is that the nasty side effects are very quick to show up, but the positive effects of the treatment usually don't kick in for about a week. That makes me very despondent every time I go in for some juicing. Especially when I wake up in the morning feeling like crap and read puff pieces in the newspaper about little Michael and how IVIg revs him up just like a double espresso. I wish the stuff worked as well for me!