Monday, August 17, 2009

too much juice?

Well, so far, this latest experiment with my medication hasn't been a roaring success. On the first day, the neck soreness was quite severe, accompanied by a sensitivity to light, and that general awfulness feeling (my wife says "you look green"). Fortunately, not much in the way of a headache. On the second day, it wasn't quite as bad. I had the weekend to rest and take it easy, although this morning I woke up with an awful headache. This was probably because of the howling winds that didn't allow me to get the decent night's sleep that I need.
It's quite evident that the juice and I just don't get on well. What I can't stand is that the nasty side effects are very quick to show up, but the positive effects of the treatment usually don't kick in for about a week. That makes me very despondent every time I go in for some juicing. Especially when I wake up in the morning feeling like crap and read puff pieces in the newspaper about little Michael and how IVIg revs him up just like a double espresso. I wish the stuff worked as well for me!

1 comment:

  1. As someone with MMN getting over 75 grams of IVIg in a single day, I highly suggest pre-hydrating significantly (1 liter the night before and 1 liter the morning of) and post-hydrating (at least 1 or 2 litres the rest of the day and heavy water uptake the next day). I've dealt with the headaches, and the water really helps. If you're having issues with your current protocal, try getting your doctor to switch out your brand of IVIg as well... Granted I'm 21 years old, so I may be taking it much easier.

    Dear God, this pathology needs an advocacy organization or at least public recognition from the MDA...
