Sunday, December 28, 2008

that juiced feeling

It's been a week since the initial juice treatment, and so far, there is no encouraging news. The side effects - headaches, nausea, soreness in my neck - are still there. The first two come and go in waves; the soreness is just there. I've had enough of taking stuff that may or may not help, so am doing my best to stay away from the medication. There is way too much stuff inside me at the moment, and I'm not sure that taking more stuff is adding anything. I've even taken a break from the magnesium supplement that I was taking for cramps in my calves (which is another symptom of MMN). Let's just see what happens over the next few days/weeks and hope for the best.

In the meantime, I'm starting to make contact with other doctors around the world who are specialists in this thing. Haven't really developed an approach moving forward, whether for conventional or alternative treatments. My next review appointment is in four weeks, so by then we should have a reasonable idea if this has worked or not. Tom Petty was definitely right - the waiting is the hardest part.

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